NEW FOR 2023 Led by Barrie our popular tour guide

This is three tours in one, firstly we have the history of the Chinese community who settled and lived in Limehouse in the first part of the twentieth century. Not a lot to see but much to talk about, especially the the truth over exaggerated fiction and rumours of opium dens and prostitution. A fascinating story of a time not so long ago

Then we move on to see the parts Limehouse of today that has been saved from the development of Docklands which towers over the area like a dragon ready to engulf all in its way. Some magnificent buildings that survived to remind us the nautical history of Limehouse back in the day.

Lastly we see Limehouse as the trendy area it has become with cafes and restaurants and a rich mans marina full of super boats we wish we could afford ourselves. This tour has everything, it's the real London not the sad tourist central London of today. Prepare yourselves for a real treat.

Go to the Contact Us page to find out more.

Private groups and dates can be arranged; rates on request